Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Got Clarity?

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.
- the Chesire Cat

Where's your red X?

You know, the spot that says "You are here."

Looking for the shortest distance between Point A and Point B?

The answers to the above questions aren't in Will Mancini's Visual Summary to his book "Church Unique," but you will be able to grasp the process that just might answer the tough qustions you're facing today.

Take a look.

Download the free e-book.

Start out on the journey...


Monday, April 25, 2011

Church Unique Visual Summary Released today

It's the Monday after Easter and you are wiped out in every definition of the word, right?

Here's a shot of pure vision adrenaline for you - in one hundred and eleven words, illustrated and expounded on:

The Church Unique Visual Summary 

Church Unique is the most powerful tool you can use in your church today.


It is a field manual for leaders like you who are in the ministry trenches daily - struggling along, not content with the status quo.

Download this free e-book, grab a cup of coffee and read through it.

Author Will Mancini just released a "Visual Summary" of the material in a free e-book. Use this link to download your copy today.

Take a look at the book here.

For additional resources about the process, go here to Auxano's website.

The Church Unique Visual Summary will infuse you with energy today - and start you on a path to vision clarity tomorrow.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Lord's Hospitality...

...demonstrated so simply - and so powerfully - with a basin and a towel.

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
John 13:3-5

Talk about a lasting impression!

Jesus knew his time on Earth with his disciples was rapidly drawing to a close. What powerful teaching could he give them to help prepare them for the days ahead, and for a lifetime of discipleship?

Only to serve them.

Jesus is the most active one at the table. He is not portrayed as one who reclines and receives, but as one who stands and gives.

How will you serve your Guests this Easter Sunday?

Model Jesus.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's Almost Time...

The journey is almost over.

On March 15 I launched a "40 Day Guest Services Journey" through the words and images of this blog. It was my attempt to impress upon church leaders the importance of Guest Services by focusing on a unique calendar event: Easter Sunday is as late as it can get, followed in two weeks by Mother's Day, followed in three weeks by the "unofficial" start of summer.

Easter and Mother's Day are traditionally two of the three highest attended worship experiences at the typical US church.

So What?

If you knew company was coming to your house, you would make a special effort to have everything just right. Your house would be clean and tidy, you would probably be cooking some special meals, and your family would be on their best behavior.

Why should your church be any different?

Creating a WOW! First Impression isn't about you. It's all about your guests. It's about them coming back to your church so they can discover God's love.

First impressions really do matter. They matter on first dates, job interviews, meeting the future in-laws - and in the ministry of your church. First impressions are automatic and involuntary. You have the opportunity to influence the outcome of your guest's experience by deciding in advance what you will design that experience to be.

It's about People.

It's about Process.

It's about Place.

And a closing thought:

It's your first expression that makes the first impression

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Creating Environments...

Literally and figuratively

Andy Stanley and the team at North Point have identified three types of "spaces" they are intentionally creating in order to first welcome people and then move them along a path of growth. The spaces are primarily figurative, but you could also think of them in literal terms.

The Foyer: Where you are welcomed as a guest

The Living Room: Where you connect as a friend

The Kitchen: Where you are loved like family

Literal or figurative - or both, you can design spaces and experiences that encourage people to engage with others and to create relationships.

What kind of spaces are you designing?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mickey's Ten Commandments for the Setting

In yesterday's post the concept of the "setting" at Disney World was introduced. Going a little deeper, vice chairman Marty Sklar gave the following list of setting design principles (from "Be Our Guest" by the Disney Institute).
  • Know your audience - before creating a setting, obtain a firm understanding of who will be using it
  • Wear your guest's shoes - never forget the human factor; evaluate your setting from the guest's perspective by experiencing it as a guest
  • Organize the flow of people and ideas - think of your setting as a story; tell that story in an organized, sequenced way
  • Create a visual magnet - a landmark used to orient and attract guests
  • Communicate with visual literacy - use the common languages of color, shape, and form to communicate through setting
  • Avoid overload - do not bombard guests with information; let them chose the information they want when they want it
  • Tell one story at a time - mixing multiple stories in a singe setting is confusing; create one setting for each big idea
  • Avoid contradictions - every detail and every setting should support and further your organizational identity and mission
  • For every ounce of treatment provide a ton of treat - give your guests the highest value by building an interactive setting that gives them the opportunity to exercise all of their senses
  • Keep it up - never get complacent and always maintain your setting
What stories are your settings telling?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Everything Matters

All organizations, knowingly or unknowingly, build messages to their customers (guests) into the settings in which they operate.

Consider these pairs:
  • A luxury car dealership and a used car lot
  • A theme park and a traveling carnival
  • A designer clothing retailer and an outlet store
In each pair, people are buying a similar product - cars, entertainment, and apparel. But in each case, the setting in which they buy these products is communicating a great deal about the quality of the products and services customers can expect, not to mention the price they are willing to pay.

The simple fact is that everything, animate and inanimate, speaks to customers.

The above words come from "Be Our Guest," the fantastic customer service book published by The Disney Institute. During this 40 Day Guest Services Journey, I have mentioned Disney several times. As we head into the final week of the journey - talking about Place - it's appropriate to start at Disney and understand "the magic of setting."

Setting is the environment in which service is delivered to customers, all of the objects within that environment, and the procedures used to enhance and maintain the service environment and objects.

Components include:
  • Architectural design
  • Landscaping
  • Lighting
  • Color
  • Signage
  • Directional designs on flooring and wall coverings
  • Texture of floor surfaces
  • Focal points and directional signs
  • Internal and external detail
  • Music and ambient noise
  • Smell
  • Touch and tactile experiences
  • Taste
Quite a list, right? Remember that when considering Guest Services...

Everything matters.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It All Began with a Mouse...

The title of this post is actually a quote from Walt Disney himself, when asked to reflect upon the vast Disney empire shortly before his death in 1966. While Disneyland was successful, Disney World was 5 years from opening and EPCOT was just a few sketches on paper.

But Disney didn't coin the term "Imagineer" for nothing.

The magic that Disney brought to the world was summed up in this phrase: "My business is making people, especially children, happy." More than a statement, it was the basis for Disney's mission as a business; it represented what the company stands for and why it exists. Changing just a little over the past 60 years, it is The Walt Disney Company's service theme:

We create happiness by providing the finest in entertainment for people of all ages, everywhere

So to close out this week of the "process" of Guest Services, there is no better place to go than the Disney Company and look at their practical magic for creating the best know guest experiences in the world.

Practical Magic

Disney has a simple definition for quality service - exceeding your guests' expectations and paying attention to detail.

The Disney WOW! Factor is exceeding guests' expectations
  • Paying close attention to every aspect of the guest experience
  • Analyzing that experience from the guest's perspective
  • Understanding the needs and wants of the guest
  • Committing every element of the process to the creation of an exceptional experience
At Disney, the word Guest is always capitalized and treated as a formal noun.

Quality Service Cycle - the Practical Magic of Disney
  • Service theme - a simple statement, shared among all team members, that becomes the driving force of the service
  • Service standards - the criteria for actions that are necessary to accomplish the service theme
  • Service delivery systems - vehicles used to deliver service
  • Service integration - each element in the QSC combined to create a complete operating system
Sounds complicated, doesn't it? It is, and should be - at least from your perspective. Spend a lot of time getting it right. Set up all the process you need to make it work. Implement your process. Evaluate it rigorously, and change it when necessary. Guestology, as Disney calls it, is both an art and a science.

But to the guest, it should all appear effortless.

Company's coming - are you ready to welcome guests in your church?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Language Engineering

Every. Word. Counts.

Language underlies all other components in creating powerful guest services experiences. Yeah, words are that important.

  • Your efforts to have everything "just so" won't be experienced as perfect unless you also use the right language in engaging your guests
  • Even the most well-intentioned and well-trained team members can alienate guests if they use the wrong language
  • When things don't go like they were planned, the right words can be your best ally
If you haven't given much thought to choosing and using your church's language - what your staff, volunteers, signage, emails, texts, tweets, voice mails, and website should say (and never say) to your guests, don't you think it's time?
  • Establish a Consistent Style of Speech - identify and implement an appropriate style of speaking throughout your organization
  • Create a Lexicon of Preferred Language and Phrasing - study the language that works best with your guests, and identify harmful phrases that should be avoided
  • Choose Language to Put Guests at Ease, Not Confuse Them - make it your mission to avoid and condescending or coercive language
  • Concentrate your Language Efforts on the Key Guest Moments - focus your language efforts on moments that are known to remain vivid in memory: hellos (make yours unusually warm and personal) and good-byes (make them wonderful)
  • Sometimes No Words are Best - align your team to the value of listening
  • Words Have Their Limits - remember that verbal and physical cues speak louder than words
  • Show, Don't Tell (and Don't Ever Just Point) - don't give guests verbal directions; physically lead them where they need to go
  • Phone and Web Language and Communication Pointers - go out of your way to be as human, friendly, and personal as you can
Remember that your guests are making their first impressions in the every day, day-to-day conversations with your Guest Services Team - before they are exposed to the highly scripted worship service music and sermon.

They are the first impressions, and those are the impressions they tell others about.

It bears repeating:

Every. Word. Counts.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Understanding Your Guests

The posts this week in the 40 Day Guest Services Journey have all been about process. Yesterday I gave the bottom line principle needed to design guest services processes: think like a guest.

Can you think like a guest?

Probably not.

If you've been a part of your church for even just 6 weeks, you no longer have the ability to see and experience things as a guest does. Really - it only takes about that long to acclimate yourself to the setting you find yourself in every weekend at your church.

So how do you think like a guest? I thought you would never ask.

In order to understand what your guests are thinking, you have to ask them. There are many tools available to help you build the viewpoint, thoughts, and feelings of your guests into your experiences. Have you ever thought about using some of the following tools?
  • In-House "Quizzes" - an on-site, three-to-seven question mini-survey tends to yield a very high participation rate. The rate is typically much higher than a survey sent home with your guests and much higher than a full-length survey.
  • In-Depth Surveys - detailed, in-depth surveys can provide a wealth of information that your team will find useful. Just be sure you ask the right questions!
  • Mystery Worshippers - trained "professionals" will anonymously come to your church and evaluate a whole range of items (agreed upon in advance). A critical review from a complete outside can be very helpful information - but make sure your team is open and will receive the evaluation.
Each of the three areas has a lot of depth to them - so dive in whenever you're ready! If you want to know more about any of these, just give me a shout.

The important point remains: if you want to know something, you've got to ask. Pick the right method(s),ask the right questions, and listen with an open mind and heart.

The answers may surprise you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Putting Processes to Work for You

Here's the bottom line principle when it comes to designing processes for guest services:

An organization needs to think like a customer (or in this case, a guest)

Put yourselves in the shoes of the typical guest coming to your campus this weekend. Walk through (literally) every touchpoint and interaction that your guest might conceivably encounter. Develop a process or system that will anticipate their need and meet it before it becomes apparent to the guest.

Need help working it out? Try this six-step continuous improvement cycle from Xerox:
  • Identify and select the problem to be worked on
  • Analyze the problem
  • Generate potential solutions
  • Select and plan the best solution
  • Implement the solution
  • Evaluate the solution
Once you have identified a solution and find that it works, continue to use it, evaluating it periodically as needed, replacing it completely when it no longer works.

Here's a real world situation as an example:

I serve as a Guest Services (Parking) Team Coordinator for Elevation Church's Uptown campus. We meet in McGlohan Theater in Spirit Square (the former First Baptist Charlotte campus, turned into an entertainment venue in the 1970's when the church relocated).

Problem: Almost everyone attending the Uptown Campus drives from somewhere else in Charlotte - which means lots of cars.

Analysis: The theatre only has about 40 parking spaces associated with it. Wanting to reserve those for VIPs (first time guests) and families with small children, we had to locate other parking.

Potential Solutions: Everybody for themselves (no way!); utilize street parking (not enough, and used by businesses or not available many Sundays); negotiate favorable rates with surface parking lots (not so favorable rates, it turns out); negotiate the use of a parking deck 1 1/2 blocks away (good rate, but a little far)

Select the Best Solution: Utilize the parking deck because it puts the majority of cars in one place, allowing maximum efficiency of guest services teams; helps with security; gives a sense of "place" to everyone coming Uptown

Implement the Solution: Determine the traffic patterns of cars coming Uptown and design appropriate signs and locations to maximize impact; develop a checklist of the different types of signs and their locations; negotiate with parking company to insure staff is on site or nearby in case of mechanical problems; promote the "how" of the parking deck through website videos, print materials, and live announcements as needed; plan for inclement weather; coordinate Parking Team, VIP Team, and Greeters to insure smooth transition from parking deck to theater

Evaluate the Solution: Every week the parking team notes hits and misses, and adjusts the process to eliminate them

That's how we do it at Uptown!

Now, take the principle and apply it in your context.

Efficient processes can transform your Guest Services Team

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Designing Success

When it comes to Guest Services, "Defining Success" is not easy - ultimately, the guest makes the definition.

But you can influence and shape that definition - and that's where "Designing Success" comes in.

Earlier in the series I introduced the concept of "The Experience Blueprint". This powerful idea was introduced by Tim Brown, CEO of the world-renowned design firm IDEO in his latest book, "Change By Design." Brown wrote that:

Just as a product begins with an engineering blueprint and a building with an architectural blueprint, an experience blueprint provides the framework for working out the details of a human interaction.

And where does this framework come from? The secret is already on your team: Utilizing an experience blueprint creates a culture in which everyone can be a design thinker.

Another quote from Tim Brown: Design has the power to enrich our lives by engaging our emotions through image, form, texture, color, sound, and smell. The intrinsically human-centered nature of design thinking points to the next step: we can use our empathy and understanding of people to design experiences that create opportunities for active engagement and participation.

What are the guidelines for designing an experience blueprint?
  • A successful experience requires active guest participation
  • A guest experience that feels authentic, genuine, and compelling is likely to be delivered by a team operating within an experience culture themselves
  • Every touchpoint must be executed with thoughtfulness and precision
Are you ready to create an experience blueprint for Guest Services at your church?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Defining Success

What makes an experience successful from a guest's perspective?

Is it knowing how to get from Point A to Point B with the help of signs and people? Is it the expectation that your family will be made to feel welcome at this place? Is it great coffee? Is being treated something special? Is it...


The fact of the matter is that we cannot define what makes an experience successful; we can only prepare for the possibility that our guest will define it as successful.

That's what process is all about.

Here are the some of the known factors:
  • A guest (or guests) is coming to a
  • A physical place where
  • An activity or activities taking place in which
  • An atmosphere that is being created
  • The participant(s) make(s) a decision(s) in which
  • The experience is evaluated and
  • Revisions are made and hopefully the experience is
  • Repeated.
What do you have to do to make sure all of the above happens?

With Consistency?

With Passion?

With Excellence?

That's the Process of Guest Services that your church needs to nail - this Sunday, next week, and on and on.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Excuse me, Can I See the Manager?

Earlier in this 40 Days of Guest Services, I mentioned the magical combination Starbucks uses to create an experience that keeps people coming back. To close out this journey, we are taking a week each in order to get a closer look. Last week, it was people; this week, it will be process.

And the best place to start thinking about process is at the end; in this case, where a customer or guest didn't have a great time/meal/service/whatever.

The customer/guest usually takes it out on the person who was most involved in the transaction - a clerk or waiter or flight attendant - a front-line person.

But is it really their fault?

A recent post by Seth Godin entitled "Who's responsible for service design?" provides an excellent starting point for a better understanding of the "process" that must go into your Guest Services Team. Here are a few highlights, but be sure to read the entire post:

Too often, we blame bad service on the people who actually deliver the service. Sometimes (often) it's not their fault. Sadly, the complaints rarely make it as far as the overpaid (and possibly overworked) executive who made the bad design decision in the first place. It's the architecture of service that makes the phone ring and the customers leave.

Three quick tips for anyone who cares about this:
  • Require service designers to sign their work
  • Run a customer service audit. Walk through the building or the event or the phone tree with all the designers in the room and call out what's not right.
  • Make it easy for complaints (and compliments) about each decision to reach the designer (and her boss).
That's powerful.

What are the processes behind the scenes that make your Guest Services work?

What are the processes you have in place when something unexpected pops up?

What are the processes you have in place when something needs to be changed?

How do you even know that something needs to be changed?

A closing quote from Seth Godin: In my experience, most of the problems are caused by ignorance and isolation, not incompetence or a lack of concern.

Ready to be a process engineer for a week?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Lineup

It's one thing to have a Credo, Three Steps of Service, and 12 Service Values like the Ritz-Carlton (see the post here for more details). Many businesses go through the exercise of defining key values or composing mission statements. They might even display them in their literature, or in imposing art displays on the corporate walls.

But how many business leaders understand the importance of regular and repetitive presentation of these core aspects of their business - not only to management, but to their front-line staff?

Enter the "lineup" at Ritz-Carlton.

To truly appreciate the Ritz-Carlton leadership approach to repeated dissemination of the "Gold Standard" mentioned above, you would have to drop in on a section of the housekeeping staff as they prepare for their days work - or at the corporate headquarters - or in the kitchen of the fine restaurants that serve the hotel chain - or anywhere, and everywhere, throughout the entire organization.

You would observe that a meeting is taking place at the beginning of each shift. Not just any meeting, though: the leader in each group starts by sharing the Credo and talking about the importance of creating a unique guest experience. Another team member might share a guest story from a Ritz-Carlton hotel in another country. Another team member shares how what they do in their department helps create memorable guest experiences. Then a few quick announcements, special recognitions are given, and the meeting is closed with a motivational quote by another team member. 

All in about 20 minutes.

Every day.

On every shift.

In every Ritz-Carlton hotel and office around the world.

The magic of the lineup involves the following:
  • Repetition of values - the core belief that values need to be discussed daily, and that values can't be discussed enough
  • Common language - shared phrases across all tasks binds the team together
  • Visual symbols - The Credo is printed on a card that all team members carry at all times
  • Oral traditions - Personal, direct, and face-to-face communication makes a huge impact in a world increasingly dominated by e-mail, text, and voice messages
  • Positive storytelling - stories communicate life in a powerful and memorable way
  • Modeling by leaders - the active, daily presence of the leaders communicates the importance of the time together
What would "lineup" for each of your Guest Services teams do to preserve the core values, communicate the importance of everyone on the team, and provide momentum for the day's activities?

Or how about this word for the process? Alignment.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Puttin' on the Ritz...

The final two posts in this week-long look at the people aspect of Guest Services practices from some of the best in the business world requires one final stop.

When it comes to refined service and exquisite hospitality, one name stands high above the rest: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. With ceaseless attention to every luxurious detail, the company has set the bar for creating memorable customer experiences in world-class settings.

In 2008, author and business consultant Joseph Michelli was able to obtain the leadership secrets behind the company's extraordinary success. In "The New Gold Standard," Michelli takes an exclusive tour behind the scenes of The Ritz-Carlton and comes away with great reference work for church Guest Services Teams who want to learn and apply principles of a WOW! Experience to their own practices.

Michelli develops "5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience" that you can explore in the book. Here's a quick look behind the brass lion that symbolizes excellence at the Ritz:

The Credo
  • The Ritz-Carlton is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission
  • We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for our guest who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambiance
  • The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wished and needs of our guests
The Three Steps of Service
  • A warm and sincere greeting, using the guest's name
  • Anticipation and fulfillment of each guest's needs
  • A fond farewell, giving a warm goodbye, and using the guest's name
Service Values of Ritz-Carlton Staff
  • I build strong relationships and create Ritz-Carlton guests for life
  • I am always responsive the the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests
  • I am empowered to create unique, memorable, and personal experiences for our guests
  • I understand my role in achieving the Key Success Factors, embracing community footprints, and creating the Ritz-Carlton mystique
  • I continually seek opportunities to innovate and improve the Ritz-Carlton experience
  • I own and immediately resolve guest problems
  • I create a work environment of teamwork and lateral service so that the needs of our guests and each other are met
  • I have to opportunity to continuously learn and grow
  • I am involved in the planning of the work that affects me
  • I am proud of my professional appearance, language, and behavior
  • I protect the privacy and security of our guests, my fellow employees, and the company's confidential information and assets
  • I am responsible for uncompromising levels of cleanliness and creating a safe and accident-free environment
Gold standard indeed! These are priceless nuggets of truth that you can mine and put into practice in your Guest Services team immediately...

Why not start this week?

Tomorrow: Creating an Environment of Respect for Those Who Serve

Friday, April 8, 2011

Learning About Guest Services Over a White Chocolate Mocha

My quest for learning the Guest Services secrets of Starbucks began with a hot White Chocolate Mocha on a cold January day several years ago. I settled into a comfortable seat, observing the friendly, welcoming interactions between the baristas behind the counter and their customers as they walked in. I didn't know I was in for Guest Services 101.

The single episode that sticks in my mind to this day, though, was the following: While I was observing the barista's interactions with customers, a young mother and her 3 year-old daughter walked into the store. As they were walking in the door, the barista came out from behind the counter, said hello to the mom, then knelt down in front of the daughter, calling her by name and engaging in a conversation for several minutes - all while other customers continued to come into the store. The store was well-staffed, so no one was held up by the barista's actions. A seemingly small gesture? Maybe so, but it spoke volumes to me.

Later I asked the barista what prompted her actions. She replied, "It's in the basic training all partners take when they start working at Starbucks. It's called the 'Starbucks Experience,' and it's all in this." With that, she handed me The Green Apron Book.

Containing no less than the core philosophies and values of Starbucks, the Green Apron book is a small package with a large impact. Its simple but powerful structure contains guiding principles of the environments Starbucks baristas hope to create and legendary service they strive to provide. You can read it in about five minutes - and that's if you pause to sip your coffee a few times while reading it. But it's really leadership at its best: simple instruction provided in an appealing way, with a spirit that encourages baristas to make each Starbucks Experience uniquely their own.

The central theme is called "The Five Ways of Being":
  • Be welcoming
  • Be genuine
  • Be considerate
  • Be knowledgeable
  • Be involved
Along with the core purpose, values, and mission statement, the book provides partners with concrete ideas on how to personalize relationships with customers by giving to, connecting with, and elevating customer interactions.

It closes with three simple sentences:

Creating the experience that keeps people coming back relies on the magical combination of three things: our products, our places, and our people.

They come for coffee, stay for the inviting warmth, and return for the very human connection.

Now go ahead, welcome your next new regular!

You don't need to copy the Green Apron Book for your Guest Services team, but you do need to understand the principles behind it, develop concepts that will encourage your team to be fully engaged with the people they are welcoming to your campus, and apply them to your context.

How are you serving the guests at your church?

Learn more about Guest Experience from Starbucks here.http://27gen.blogspot.com/2011/03/turning-ordinary-into-extraordinary.html

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Extraordinary Starts with ...

The theme all week long has been "People." Next week, it will be time for "Process" and the final week of our journey will be "Place." Just keeping you on track!

The single most important part of your Guest Services Team is the people that serve on it. During this week, we have taken a look at the various types of teams that comprise the typical Guest Services in a church; been treated to the people secrets of one of NYC's most famous restaurant owners; and gone backstage at Disney to learn the foundational principles their cast members use to deliver the magic.

Now it's time for a cup of coffee - and a great lesson in creating an extraordinary experience out of an ordinary event.

I'm talking about Starbucks.

Love it or hate it (and it seems there's not much middle ground) Starbucks began a revolution of "the third place," creating an experience (with a price to match!) that consumers flocked to in droves. Even over the past few years with rising prices, store closings, and increased competition, Starbucks has some great lessons on Guest Services that the church can learn.

Central to the experience at Starbucks is the barista, the smiling face that greets you when you come into the store and takes your order. I frequent Starbucks across the country (it's a favorite meeting place for church leaders), and I am amazed at the knowledge, uniformity of service, and general attitude displayed - from Phoenix to New York City. Being naturally curious, several years ago I began a research project to see how the experience of Starbucks could be transferred to the church.

It turns out it could - and it all begins with The Green Apron Book...

Tomorrow: Learning About Guest Services over a Caffe Mocha 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Performance Tips from the Mouse

Walt Disney is perhaps the greatest practitioner of Guest Services around today. Books have been written about what the "cast" at Disney does to make people feel welcome (I know - I've read all of them, and own most of them).

So I'm sure you won't mind if we go backstage at Disney to learn about their Performance Tips - a list of actions which every Disney employee learns during their orientation.

Performance Tips are a set of generic behaviors that ensure that cast members know how to act courteously and respect the individuality of each guest. These tips have been translated into a set of behavioral actions called Guidelines for Guest Services:
  • Make eye contact and smile!
  • Greet and welcome each and every guest
  • Seek out guest contact
  • Provide immediate service recovery
  • Display appropriate body language at all times
  • Preserve the "magical" guest experience
  • Thank each and every guest
You can read more about these guidelines found in the excellent book "Be Our Guest," published by the Disney Institute by going here.

These seven sentences serve a variety of purposes. First, the define behavior in terms of guests. They also communicate employee responsibilities. Finally, they showcase ways to customize service to individual guests.

Your church won't have tens of thousands of people coming through your doors every day - but the principles Disney uses as a baseline starting point for training its cast members are appropriate in the context of your church.

Why don't you put these Perfomance Tips into practice for your Guest Team?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The 51 Percent Solution

What kind of person serves on a Guest Services team?

Danny Meyer, founder and co-owner of eleven successful restaurants in New Youk City, writes the following about his staff:

The idea of someone giving 110 percent is about as realistic as working to achieve the twenty-six hour day. At our restaurants, we are hoping to develop 100 percent employees whose skills are divided 51-49 between emotional hospitality and technical excellence. These are 51 percenters.

A 51 percenter has five core emotional skills. If your team has these skills, you can be champions at the team sport of hospitality. They are:
  • Optimistic warmth - genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, and a sense that the glass is always at least half full
  • Intelligence - not just "smarts", but rather an insatiable curiosity to lean for the sake of learning
  • Work ethic - a natural tendency to do something as well as it can possibly be done
  • Empathy - an awareness of, care for, and connection to how others feel and how your actions make others feel
  • Self-awareness and integrity - an understanding of what makes you tick and a natural inclination to be accountable for doing the right thing with honesty and superb judgement
Your Guest Services team may not operate under the same pressures as the staff in a highly regarded restaurant. But if the CEO of a restaurant recognizes that the human beings who animate his restaurants have far more impact on whether they succeed than the food, the decor, or the location, I would say that is a lesson worth learning - and applying - at your church.

Hospitality is a dialogue. How's the conversation coming at your church?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Guest Services Begins with ...


Two kinds, actually - the people who provide the Guest Services, and the people who are the recipients of your Guest Services. Let's start with the people who provide Guest Services at your church.

Greeting guests is EVERYONE's responsibility in a church. Vibrant, fruitful, growing congregations practice Radical Hospitality (a term I first heard used by Robert Schnase, Bishop in the Missouri Conference of the UMC-we'll be revisiting this concept later). The entire church focuses on those outside their congregation with as much passion as the attend to the nurture and growth of those who already belong to the family of faith, and they apply their utmost creativity, energy, and effectiveness to the task, exceeding all expectations.

Beyond the entire church body's responsibility for engaging in hospitality toward guests, there needs to be a dedicated team of individuals covering a wide range of roles under the umbrella of Guest Services. Here's a typical make-up of a Guest Services Team:

Hospitality team members welcome each person into the foyer/commons area with a kind word, a welcoming smile, and offer coffee/snacks as appropriate.

The Parking team is an excited, friendly, and smiling group of people who are the first face of your Church. This team literally makes the first impression on every guest. It’s not about putting cars in parking spots, but about creating a friendly environment where people feel genuinely welcomed.

Greeters stand at every outside access door, warmly welcoming guests, members, and regular attenders to your church. They are ready and willing to meet any need that might arise.

VIP team members go above and beyond welcoming first time guests. They go to extraordinary lengths to ensure VIPS are honored and know exactly where the worship center, children’s check-in, and restrooms are located.

Users are totally devoted to helping people find great seats before and during worship services. Their presence also helps keep people feeling out of place if they arrive late, and helps to minimize distraction once the service has begun. Ushers are also the first responders (with appropriate other teams) in emergencies.

The follow-up team partners with the church staff and other designated teams to implement the appropriate follow-up process to guests.

Medical Team
The medical team is a network of medical professionals on call during worship hours to respond to medical emergencies.

The security team monitors the entire campus to make sure everyone at your church is safe as can be. Special training and/or currently serving law enforcement officers is a requirement.

The above teams are representative of the roles and responsibilities that Guest Services fulfill at the typical church. Other churches may add specific teams as needed for special and unique opportunities.

Guest Services begins with people who are totally sold out to providing a WOW! Experience to all who come to your campus. They are the foundation to a successful guest experience.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


20 days in; 20 days to go! This 40 Day Guest Services Journey is all about how churches can learn to create a WOW! Experience for their guests, members, and regular attenders. I hope you've enjoyed the journey so far!

In another post I alluded to the fact that our competition is not other churches; it's places that provide WOW! Experiences and to which guests compare our churches. While that may seem a negative, it can also be turned into a positive by LEARNING from those top notch notch places and their leaders.

Take for instance Danny Meyer, the founder and co-owner of eleven New York restaurants. He wrote a book entitled "Setting the Table." Subtitled "The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business," Meyer shares the lessons he's learned while developing the winning recipe for doing the business he calls "enlightened hospitality." They are lessons that the church can learn from. Here's a sample:
  • Hospitality is the foundation of my business philosophy. Virtually nothing else is as important as how one is made to feel in any business transaction. Hospitality exists whe you believe the other person is on your side. Hospitality is present when something happens for you. It is absent when something happens to you. Those two prepositions - for and to - express it all.
  • Understanding the distinction between service and hospitality has been at the foundation of our success. Service is the technical delivery of a product. Hospitality is how the delivery of that product makes it recipient feel. Service is a monologue - we decide how we wan to do thins and set our own standards for service. Hospitality, on the other hand, is a dialogue. To be on a guest's side requires listening to that person with every sense, and following up with a thoughtful, gracious, appropriate response. It takes both great service and great hospitality to rise to the top.
  • People duck as a natural reflex when something is hurled at them. Similarly, the excellence reflex is a natural reaction to fix something that isn't right, or to improve something that could be better. The excellence reflex is rooted in instinct and upbringing, and then constantly honed through awareness, caring, and practice. The overarching concern to do the right thing well is there or it isn't.
What a great learning environment for churches wanting to improve their Guest Services team. I'm pretty sure I will revisit "Setting the Table" again on this journey.

Earlier this year, I posted a series on hospitality based on Le Bernardin, the famous restaurant in NYC owned by Chef Eric Ripert. If this post resonated with you, click on the links below for more.
Creating experiences of hospitality allow for positive, uplifting outcomes for human experiences and human relationships. They will help you connect to people coming in your door week in and week out.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's Keeping You From Delivering a WOW! Experience?

We're just about half way into the 40 Day Guest Services Journey. While reading these daily posts, you may have picked up on a common theme sprinkled throughout:

It's all about WOW!

WOW! doesn't happen by accident, though. You have to work hard at it, whether you are talking about serving on the parking team, greeting guests at the entrance to your buildings, or serving as an usher.

Michael Hyatt, Chairman and CEO at Thomas Nelson Publishers, has a great post about obstacles to WOW!. Some of the key points are listed below; read the whole article here.

In my experience, there are at least five obstacles to creating wow experiences:

1. Often, we simply run out of time. The deadline looms. We are scrambling to get the product out the door. Or, we have to wrap up the service, so we can get to the next client before he starts complaining. We simply don’t have the time to give the job our best effort. So, we let it go. Half-baked. Before it is really done.

2. Sometimes, the problem is resources. We’d like to do a better job. We sincerely want to take it to the next level. But we just don’t have the money or the man-power. We rationalize by saying, I did the best I could do with the resources I had. And again, we let it go and turn our attention to the next project or client in the queue.

3. Occasionally, we don’t have sufficient experience. We just don’t know how to do what we know needs to be done. Our vision exceeds our know-how. We know what the product or service could deliver, but we don’t have the knowledge, the skills, or the experience to get us there. So, we settle for something less than our vision demands.

4. Too often, we acquiesce to the committee Perhaps we are a little unsure of ourselves. Everyone else seems to like it, we say to ourselves. Maybe they’re right. There are a lot of smart people in this room. C’mon, just let it go! And, so we do. We dial back our own vision for what could be and succumb to the collective judgment of the group.

5. But the biggest obstacle of all is fear. In fact, I would say that this is the primary obstacle. If we are honest, we must admit that the previous four items are only excuses. If we had enough courage, we would find the time, the resources or the experience. We would stand up to the committee. We wouldn’t settle for something less than wow.

What about you?

What's standing in the way of creating a WOW! Experience for your guests?

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Hospitality Quiz

No fooling!

The questions below are designed to be thought-provoking in terms of what you are doing at your own church.
  • If you asked the average person at your church who is responsible for greeting guests, what would they say?
  • If you asked the average person at your church who is responsible for helping guests become regular attenders and then members, what would they say?
  • How do members and regular attenders of your church describe what the church is like in a sentence or two? In a word or two?
  • If I drove into the nearest convenience store or gas station and asked the clerk about your church, what would they say?
  • Is your church facility a warm, inviting place? Is it easy to find?
  • When a guest comes into your campus, do they know where to park? Where to enter the building? Where to take their children? Where to find the worship service?
  • Are the print materials you use easy to understand?
  • Is the language you use during worship full of "insider" terms? Would a person without a church background understand what is going on?
  • If a guest attends your church once, but doesn't come back for a few weeks, would you know it? If you did, what would you do about it?
  • When a guest wants to further investigate faith in Christ, is there a clear "next step" to follow?
  • Does your church really want guests attending every week?
  • What are you as a leader prepared to do to is the answer to the previous question is "no"?
  • What if the answer to the question is "yes"?