But how many business leaders understand the importance of regular and repetitive presentation of these core aspects of their business - not only to management, but to their front-line staff?
Enter the "lineup" at Ritz-Carlton.
To truly appreciate the Ritz-Carlton leadership approach to repeated dissemination of the "Gold Standard" mentioned above, you would have to drop in on a section of the housekeeping staff as they prepare for their days work - or at the corporate headquarters - or in the kitchen of the fine restaurants that serve the hotel chain - or anywhere, and everywhere, throughout the entire organization.
You would observe that a meeting is taking place at the beginning of each shift. Not just any meeting, though: the leader in each group starts by sharing the Credo and talking about the importance of creating a unique guest experience. Another team member might share a guest story from a Ritz-Carlton hotel in another country. Another team member shares how what they do in their department helps create memorable guest experiences. Then a few quick announcements, special recognitions are given, and the meeting is closed with a motivational quote by another team member.
All in about 20 minutes.
Every day.
On every shift.
In every Ritz-Carlton hotel and office around the world.
The magic of the lineup involves the following:
- Repetition of values - the core belief that values need to be discussed daily, and that values can't be discussed enough
- Common language - shared phrases across all tasks binds the team together
- Visual symbols - The Credo is printed on a card that all team members carry at all times
- Oral traditions - Personal, direct, and face-to-face communication makes a huge impact in a world increasingly dominated by e-mail, text, and voice messages
- Positive storytelling - stories communicate life in a powerful and memorable way
- Modeling by leaders - the active, daily presence of the leaders communicates the importance of the time together
Or how about this word for the process? Alignment.
Another Smart post from you Admin :)
Smart and good another post admin :)
Ancient Greece
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