Thursday, August 19, 2010

Defying Gravity

I want to interrupt the "Transformational Church" series to bring some great leadership lessons from Andy Stanley, who spoke at a special leaders event tonight at Elevation Church.

Drawing on the story of Acts 15 and the "problem" of Gentile believers, Stanley talked about the tension of what church should and could be versus the gravitational pull of culture and the world.

  • There's always a gravitational pull toward insiders and away from outsiders
  • Application: You must continue to create empty seats at optimal worship times for those far from God
  • There's always a gravitational pull toward law and away from grace
  • Application: Have as few policies as possible and as many conversations as possible
  • There's always a gravitational pull toward complexity and away from simplicity
  • Application: Do what you do well and do it better than anyone else
  • There's always a gravitational pull toward preserving and away from advancing
  • Application: Remain open-handed
3 Closers
  1. You must be a raving fan publicly
  2. You must be an honest critic privately
  3. You have to be extraordinarily generous



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