Friday, June 18, 2010

The Motivating Result

All week I've been recapping a section of Bert Decker's great book on communication, "You've Got to Be Believed to Be Heard." He has created the following chart that shows the path from information to influence.

The end result of the process displayed above (and described in blog posts here, here, here, and here) is that your communication will move from information to influence. You will be able to more effectively persuade your listeners, not just by the power of your person, but by the power of your presentation as well.

As leaders, we often think that if we say words, people will get them. That is not necessarily true. They might get the words and our message if we are enthused and confident - but not if we're nervous and we block our message by inappropriate behavioral habits.

John Maxwell has a famous definition of leadership: "Leadership is influence." If you believe that, then what are you doing today to make your communications move from information to influence?

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