Saturday, January 22, 2011

Julia...and Bob

For Christmas, Anita gave me a set of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," the classic cookbooks by Julia Child. You may remember a movie from last year: "Julie and Julia," the story of a writer who cooked her way through Child's cookbook in a year, blogging about the experience. The movie was part of my Christmas gift to Anita. Tonight, we kind of re-created it:

Tonight, I cooked my first meal from the cook book for Anita and me:

Boeuf Bourguignon
Oignons Glaces a Brun
Champignons Sautes au Beurre
Gratin Dauphinois

It was fun shopping for the ingredients, going though all the preparation, and delivering a wonderful meal. I banished Anita from the kitchen, only revealing everything when we were ready to eat. We set up a table in the great room and watched "No Reservations."

It was wonderful.

Now that's a date night...

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