Friday, July 17, 2009

Early Morning Airport Views

Nobody is conversational on a shuttle bus at 5:30 AM

There is no line at the ticket counter or security checkpoint-none; what planet am I on?

The Cinabon place is a wonderful smell at 5:45

At least 3 different mission groups are headed somewhere to make a difference

The brighter it gets in the terminal the more conversation levels increase

A squeaky wheel definitely needs the grease

Little boys are always outrunning dads and having to be called back

Mobile phones to the ear is the rule, not the exception

Bookstores, as always, are my favorite way to spend time waiting

What will travel be like in 10 years?

Little girls don't dress like little girls anymore; it appears the age to make a fashion statement is about half of what it was a few years ago

Time to board: California, here I come!

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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