Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Customer Service Champs at the Big Moo

A quick drive-thru visit yesterday to a Chick-fil-A in Salisbury reinforced why they were a winner in Business Week's Customer Service listing.

I pulled into the drive thru, was greeted by a very pleasant associate, placed my order, and drove around to pick it up. A different associate had it ready for me, the order taker was just behind talking to another customer, and the whole transaction took less than a minute from the time I pulled up to the menu.

Our local Chick-fil-A is the same, even though we dine in most of the time. The associates are always courteous, and their deliberate decision to be so makes most customers respond in kind.

One has to look no further than the chain's founder, Truett Cathy, and his principles of business for the reason they are so successful. Here's a sample:

Nearly every moment of every day we have the opportunity to give something to someone else - our time, our love, our resources. I have always found more joy in giving when I did not expect anything in return.

The Chick-fil-A organization lives this out daily in all of its employees.

What about your organization? What's your "GQ"?

That's "giving quotient."

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