Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Grandfather by Any Other Name...

One of the dilemmas of approaching middle age had never occurred to me until I learned I was going to become a grandfather. I have trouble even typing the words "middle age", but that's for another day. Back to the question:

What will your grandchild call you?

About a year ago, this was very much the topic of discussion among our family with the imminent birth of our first grandchild. Jack made his arrival last March, and even though he wouldn't know of the momentous decision for several years, GrandBob and Nina were anxious to meet him.

It took us several weeks to come to those names, and the rebel streak in me still imagines that Jack will call us what he wants to, but we'll see. In the meantime, here is a recent blog that speaks to the issue in terms of a whole generation.

You Can Call Me Ray, You Can Call Me Jay, Just Don't Call Me Granddad was posted by Matt Thornhill and John Martin, authors of "The Boomer Consumer". It links to another article entitled Nanas and Papas.

Those of you who are, or soon will be, grandparents will find it amusing and helpful. In the meantime, I'm getting ready for Jack's first birthday party next month, and grandparentitis is building.

On the other hand, I still have a 16 year old at home, so I'm not "old"! I do enjoy life at a more leisurely pace, though.

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